Monday, November 26, 2012

Zihuatanejo - if this doesn't say it all then nothing will.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Celebrating two years here in Zihuatanejo ...

November 2010, sitting at my computer in the cold, damp climate of Oregon I finally decided to give Mexico a try. I purchased a plane ticket on line, packed my bag and set off on my next great adventure.It has been two years now and I have to tell you I am very happy, healthy and fortunate.
I have found love, and a home here in Zihuatanejo. I have many friends and acquaintances. I can walk to the beach in less than 5 minutes. What else could a man ask for besides $1.50 beer at any local bar. Did I mention that I am happy? Well, in fact I am. I love this town.  I love the people. I love the woman who loves me and I love this life.