Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I have had a couple of very nice days (not that all the others are anything else). However, last night I was taking my usual evening stroll along the beach front on the bay and found, quite by accident, a group that was performing Aztec ritual dances. It was quite interesting and even though they were not professional I enjoyed it completely.
I have posted a video at:

This morning I started my usual walk with a cup of coffee but didn't feel like eating so I waited until lunch time to visit one of my favorite spots called Las Braseros. I like all the staff there and I especially enjoy flirting with the waitresses. They seem to enjoy my visits because when I haven't been there in a while they always ask where I have been and why I have taken so long to return. It is always nice to be recognised and welcomed back.
My lunch was Pollo de la Mexicana. I love the slow roasted chicken in this reciepe and a glass of Horchata goes well with it.

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