Sunday, December 23, 2012

Getting sick and getting well in Mexico

So, last Wednesday I started feeling a cold coming on. No biggie. I have always handled that pretty well on my own. By Friday night I knew that I was dealing with the flu. Thank goodness Ivone knew of a doctor just a few blocks away who spoke English and was well respected in the community so first thing Saturday morning we walked to his office which was just three blocks from our place and we were seen within 5 minutes. His examination was unhurried and, I felt confident in his manner. He agreed that I was dealing with the flu and wrote a prescription and the cost for the visit was 400 pesos or about $30 at today's exchange rate. No forms to fill out, no need to show that I was "worthy" with an insurance card, just cash, a handshake and a very courteous "Thank you".  (I remember when I was a kid, it was more like that in the U.S.)

We walked to the pharmacy which is just around the corner from our place and the 3 prescriptions was a total of 650 pesos or $50. Time in the pharmacy less than 5 minutes. Total time from home to Dr. to Rx and back, less than an hour.

I took the first dose of meds and had some breakfast and then went right to bed and withing less than 30 minutes I was already feeling relief and today, Sunday, I am feeling much better.

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