Saturday, September 4, 2010

Small town hoedown ...

I had a wonderful treat Friday night while visiting my friend at the First Friday Art Walk in Estacada, Oregon. There was live music in several stores and art shops but by 8pm most of the musicians were gathered in the shop on the corner of 4th and Broadway (I think it was called Mossy Rock). The room was small but it was filled with fun loving, music loving people who would join in singing when they knew the song and at least some of the words. There were at least 6 guitars, 2 mandolins, a ukulele, an accordion, an upright bass, a banjo, and one very good fiddle player, not to mention a guy harmonicas, one on a washboard and another playing spoons. This was not a bar or tavern, just the back room of a nice little shop. There was complimentary wine and snacks, iced lemon water and a jar for contributions. It was difficult to get a good video because the lighting was poor and the people who were there to socialize were constantly trying to talk over the music but I have included a 1 minute video, for what it's worth.

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