Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Trying to reason with hurricane season

I bid farewell to George and Janet and headed south for Dunedin (where I was born) and Clearwater (where my brother was born). It was a very warm, sunny day and after meandering through the old parts of town I made my way to Fort De Soto Park on St. Christopher Key to find a campsite. Almost everyone had gone and the peace and quiet was soothing. My campsite is just 100 feet from the water and there are lots of critters to enjoy; everything from little lizards to big cranes and other birds.

I woke to a most spectacular morning. It had been a warm, muggy night but now there was a cool zephyr bringing me the songs of birds from not too far off. The sun was not quite over the horizon but it was very bright. I made breakfast and then headed to the fort that the park is named after. A nice visit to the museum, a walk on the pier and maybe even a walk along the white sandy beach is in order. Once again I find myself alone on a beautiful tropical beach... hummmmm.

1 comment:

Jeff Simpkins said...


I check every day for your blogs. It's great to see you are really there, just a few months removed from living in Oregon.

Keep having fun and fulfilling your needs. Look forward to seeing you again when you return.
